Romance novels have graced our bookshelves for centuries, and the reason is simple; love, passion, heartbreak, and sexuality, not to mention the intensity of these experiences, are timeless. While the birth of romance on stage and in shows as we know them today can be credited to the playwrights of old England. Literary credit, it can be argued, goes to the French. Epic stories like The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers have been read, told, and retold since their composition by Alexander Dumas in the mid-1800s. The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo continues to enthral to this very day on stage, as well as children’s movies. Perhaps the genius derives from the country’s turbulent history, with so much strife in war and politics, it’s only natural that the hunger for beauty and passion is so intense. As the old joke goes, heaven is where police are British, chefs Italian, and lovers are French.
Romance In The Modern World
As with all things, romance also evolves through time. Love letters make room for text messages. Delicate courtship with longing looks across crowded ballrooms has been exchanged for open flirtation at a bar. While we live in a world that prizes cold truth over coy insinuation, today’s romance novels too, have gotten a rebirth not entirely well received by everyone. An excellent example of this is evident from France’s current French prime ministers novels. They are forward, to the point, and even regarded as somewhat sexist with regards to women. Édouard Philippe’s most recent work, Dans l’Ombre (In the Shadows), brings forward a world where women are sexual trophies, and morality is old news. While some embrace the idea that all is allowed in fiction by making corruption of politics or women in no way a new concept. Others maintain that with the advances made today in women’s rights, places of work, as well as society in general, this kind of writing should have died a natural death by now.
A New Age Of Novel Reading
In the past, most individuals looking to acquire knowledge from somewhere other than educational institutions would turn to literary pieces. This is because the books not only offered fiction for those with wild imaginations but sometimes also included facts about the world we live in. Different locations worldwide, as well as legendary historical events, were thrown into the mesh of words that were later turned into literary works of art in the form of a novel. These days, however, those looking to jump into the world of written works can do so even from their smartphones. You no longer need to purchase a book at a bookstore or visit a library. You can simply search for the title you’re interested in online and download it. It is as simple as visiting avionero.com to book a flight for that much sought after holiday vacation for you or your loved ones to enjoy.